Life and Career Coaching

Design the Life You've Always Wanted

What is Coaching?
Coaching is a partnership that supports you to center yourself and to connect with your purpose and passion. It invites reflection and inspires action to create positive, sustainable change in your personal and professional life.

What is Sunrise?
Sunrise Life and Career Coaching is a small, woman owned coaching practice in Oakland, CA, designed to support you through your next big transition, wherever it may take you.

Who is Abby Vieira?
I am a certified life and career coach, who has spent over a decade in leadership positions in community development organizations in the Bay Area and Guatemala. I've supervised and coached 100's of individuals, managed 20 member teams and designed, implemented and successfully managed a full service employment center. I thrive when I'm able to use my natural intuition, empathy and strength- based mindset to empower those around me to become the best version of themselves.

Like many of my clients, I turn to coaching during major life transitions. For example, after becoming a mom during the pandemic, while striving to keep a large social service program afloat, I completely lost my balance and sense of direction. Coaching helped me address my new identities, values and purpose. The journey led me to step back from a full-time job in the trenches, secure a more flexible job, and focus on building up my coaching practice. I now envision a future where I contribute to positive social change through coaching and still have the physical and emotional space to be the mama I want to be. I can speak to the transformational impact coaching can have, and feel blessed for the opportunity to pass it on.

I have a BA in International Relations from SFSU, a Masters in Public and Social Policy from Pompeu Fabra/John Hopkins University, in Spain and a Coaching Certificate from Blooming Willow/Leadership that Works. I am a Bay Area native, proud mama of two, social justice warrior, Cuban-style salsa dancer, and runner.

Sunrise begins a new day, a new opportunity to create change.
Schedule a free consultation here

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How Does it Work? One size never fits all, so I’ll design an approach that works best for you. A common format is to meet over zoom for 1 hour, every other week for 2 to 3 months, although in-person, phone, and 30 minute sessions are also available.

Package of Sessions

For the best results, and a reduced rate, select a package of sessions. This allows us the space to find out what is really holding you back, what your true purpose is and how to design the most fulfilling path forward. *Coaching is often covered under employers’ professional development benefits and/or under FSA/HSA accounts (wellness). If you work for yourself, coaching is often tax-deductible.

Individual Sessions

The pay as you go option, allows you to reflect, explore and step into action with single sessions. It's ideal for individuals with shorter term goals for coaching, a quick confidence boost, or those who may already have a clear idea of what they want, and need support to get there.

Coaching for Social Justice

I LOVE working with Changemakers (social workers, organizers, teachers, etc.)! Compassion fatigue, burnout and secondary trauma in these fields are so common, and yet they frequently go unaddressed. I believe coaching should be accessible to everyone. If you work in a social justice field, please let me know to receive a special rate.

Common Coaching Topics Include:

-Identification and creation of clear career objectives Clarity on how to change careers, or industries -To find a career path that is aligned with one's strengths, that allows financially stability AND that is rewarding -Career counseling: how to be a better boss, how to decrease anxiety at work, and how to improve interpersonal communication -Discover what is holding one back and to gain the confidence to overcome it -Interview preparation, mock interviews and a confidence boost -Grad school decision making, application preparation, basic financial planning -Salary and benefit negotiation -To strengthen mental resilience: to identify unhealthy thinking patterns and create new patterns of thinking that build resilience -Improve communication skills: assertive communication, giving effective feedback, conflict resolution, team building, meeting facilitation, and improving supervisory skills -Manage work-life balance: to create structure, boundaries and thinking patterns that support the balance among family, career, and mental/emotional wellbeing as a working parent -To set and maintain healthy boundaries, including how to communicate them -To support emotional wellbeing as a change maker (social service employee, teacher, activist) * Sliding scale pricing available for changemakers -Sessions are offered in-person, or virtually

  • Oakland, California, United States

Finding the right fit is everything! Schedule a 30 minute free consultation *Coaching is often covered under employers’ professional development benefits and/or under FSA/HSA accounts (wellness). If you work for yourself, coaching is often tax-deductible.